sexta-feira, 22 de junho de 2012

Leitura da semana

Adoro a capa desta semana da Atlantic. Não só pela criatividade da produção fotográfica (tão simples e tão cool, conseguindo ter lá a informação toda), como pelo tema abordado e pela forma como é abordado: Why women still can't have it all...
Talvez seja por ter um filho de 17 meses, concedo. Mas escrevi várias vezes sobre a conciliação da vida familiar e profissional quando ainda não era mãe e sei como seria fácil cair nas discussões do costume. Isso não se passa no texto assinado por Anne-Marie Slaughter, que não é jornalista mas sim professora de Política e Relações Internacionais na Universidade de Princeton e que terminou recentemente um mandato como alto quadro no Departamento de Estado norte-americano - a seu pedido. A escrita deste artigo foi, aliás, uma promessa que fez a si própria quando ainda era acessora de Hillary Clinton, no governo Obama. Ela sentiu necessidade de partilhar a sua experiência, esperando que isso venha a contribuir para que se façam as mudanças necessárias na forma como nos organizamos em sociedade.

I still strongly believe that women can “have it all” (and that men can too). I believe that we can “have it all at the same time.” But not today, not with the way America’s economy and society are currently structured. My experiences over the past three years have forced me to confront a number of uncomfortable facts that need to be widely acknowledged—and quickly changed.

While employers shouldn’t privilege parents over other workers, too often they end up doing the opposite, usually subtly, and usually in ways that make it harder for a primary caregiver to get ahead. Many people in positions of power seem to place a low value on child care in comparison with other outside activities. Consider the following proposition: An employer has two equally talented and productive employees. One trains for and runs marathons when he is not working. The other takes care of two children. What assumptions is the employer likely to make about the marathon runner? That he gets up in the dark every day and logs an hour or two running before even coming into the office, or drives himself to get out there even after a long day. That he is ferociously disciplined and willing to push himself through distraction, exhaustion, and days when nothing seems to go right in the service of a goal far in the distance. That he must manage his time exceptionally well to squeeze all of that in.
Be honest: Do you think the employer makes those same assumptions about the parent? Even though she likely rises in the dark hours before she needs to be at work, organizes her children’s day, makes breakfast, packs lunch, gets them off to school, figures out shopping and other errands even if she is lucky enough to have a housekeeper—and does much the same work at the end of the day.

Cheryl Mills, Hillary Clinton’s indefatigable chief of staff, has twins in elementary school; even with a fully engaged husband, she famously gets up at four every morning to check and send e-mails before her kids wake up. Louise Richardson, now the vice chancellor of the University of St. Andrews, in Scotland, combined an assistant professorship in government at Harvard with mothering three young children. She organized her time so ruthlessly that she always keyed in 1:11 or 2:22 or 3:33 on the microwave rather than 1:00, 2:00, or 3:00, because hitting the same number three times took less time.
Elizabeth Warren, who is now running for the U.S. Senate in Massachusetts, has a similar story. When she had two young children and a part-time law practice, she struggled to find enough time to write the papers and articles that would help get her an academic position. In her words:
I needed a plan. I figured out that writing time was when Alex was asleep. So the minute I put him down for a nap or he fell asleep in the baby swing, I went to my desk and started working on something—footnotes, reading, outlining, writing … I learned to do everything else with a baby on my hip.
The discipline, organization, and sheer endurance it takes to succeed at top levels with young children at home is easily comparable to running 20 to 40 miles a week. But that’s rarely how employers see things, not only when making allowances, but when making promotions. Perhaps because people choose to have children? People also choose to run marathons.

terça-feira, 19 de junho de 2012

American Genius

Demorou mas, aos 76 anos, Woody Allen é finalmente descrito como «American Genius» numa grande revista norte-americana... A Newsweek dedica-lhe a capa, com uma fabulosa foto de Platon, a propósito da estreia do seu novo filme, Para Roma, com Amor. A sua carreira é revisitada neste artigo, assinado por Sam Tanenhaus, onde se percebe porque está o realizador a voltar ao universo do início da sua carreira, criando personagens cheias de fobias, manias e obsessões sexuais. Mas fica também claro que ele não se considera um génio. Aliás, ele diz que, dos 45 filmes que já realizou, nenhum se poderá classificar como obra-prima. 

(...) monomania has made him his era’s greatest comic presence, the one true heir of Charlie Chaplin and Buster Keaton. Allen, however, measures himself against stiffer competition. “I think I’ve now made almost 45 films,” he says. “Some nice ones. No masterpieces. I don’t kid myself. It’s not false modesty. If you look at Rashomon, The Bicycle Thief, The Grand Illusion, as masterpieces, [then] no: I don’t have a film I could show in a festival with those films.”

sábado, 16 de junho de 2012

Leitura da semana

Joaquín Guzmán, conhecido como El Chapo, será talvez o homem mais procurado pelo FBI na era pós-Bin Laden, escreve o New York Times. Ele é o líder de um poderoso cartel mexicano, responsável por mais de metade das drogas que entram nos EUA, todos os anos. Na sua revista de fim-de-semana, o Times revela quem é este homem e como fez a sua fama e fortuna, até chegar ao lugar que hoje ocupa, como sucessor de Escobar. Um trabalho notável de Patrick Radden Keefe, jornalista da New Yorker.

«One afternoon last August, at a hospital on the outskirts of Los Angeles, a former beauty queen named Emma Coronel gave birth to a pair of heiresses. The twins, who were delivered at 3:50 and 3:51, respectively, stand to inherit some share of a fortune that Forbes estimates is worth a billion dollars. Coronel’s husband, who was not present for the birth, is a legendary tycoon who overcame a penurious rural childhood to establish a wildly successful multinational business. If Coronel elected to leave the entry for “Father” on the birth certificates blank, it was not because of any dispute over patrimony. More likely, she was just skittish about the fact that her husband, Joaquín Guzmán, is the C.E.O. of Mexico’s Sinaloa cartel, a man the Treasury Department recently described as the world’s most powerful drug trafficker. Guzmán’s organization is responsible for as much as half of the illegal narcotics imported into the United States from Mexico each year; he may well be the most-wanted criminal in this post-Bin Laden world. But his bride is a U.S. citizen with no charges against her. So authorities could only watch as she bundled up her daughters and slipped back across the border to introduce them to their dad.»

domingo, 10 de junho de 2012

Capas da semana

Charlie Sheen by Rolling Stone

Charlie Sheen está de volta! Para já, apenas na capa da Rolling Stone, concretizando-se assim um dos sonhos do actor, como ele confessa no «making off» da sessão com a fotógrafa Peggy Sirota.

Em breve o enfant terrible de Hollywood regressará aos ecrãs numa nova série da Fox, com um título prometedor: Anger Management. Mas não se pense que ele se reabilitou...  Sheen deixa isso bem claro nesta entrevista, confirmando que não imagina a vida sem miúdas, álcool e rock n' roll:

«I don't see what's wrong with a few drinks. What's your drink? Tequila? Mine's vodka. Straight, because I've always said that ice is for injuries, ha ha.»

sexta-feira, 8 de junho de 2012

A capa da semana

É a pergunta que se impõe... e com a queda anunciada de Espanha, será que ainda vamos a tempo?

segunda-feira, 4 de junho de 2012

Leitura da semana

A Time parece ter-lhe tomado o gosto: aí está mais uma capa que nos faz parar nas bancas e dar um passo atrás para ir ver do que se trata... O tema não é fácil de abordar mas é, sem dúvida, um debate premente. Como deveríamos morrer? Quem garante a nossa dignidade, nos momentos finais? Quem honra os nossos últimos desejos? A revista faz luz sobre as trevas, através do calvário pessoal do jornalista Joe Klein, que perdeu o pai e a mãe recentemente, revelando também como se multiplicam os exames desnecessários em doentes moribundos - tudo em nome do grande negócio que é a saúde nos EUA.