sábado, 5 de novembro de 2011

King of King's

Jon Lee Anderson é um dos melhores jornalistas da actualidade, na minha modesta opinião. Nunca li nada dele que ficasse abaixo da excelência. Admiro-o há muitos anos e quando o conheci pessoalmente, no Haiti, parecia uma adolescente envergonhada... estive quase a esticar o bloco e a caneta que trazia nas mãos para lhe pedir um autógrafo. Contive-me, claro. Hoje, sem grande vontade de ler mais coisas sobre Kadafi, dei por mim a mergulhar sem retorno neste belíssimo King of King's, publicado na última edição da New Yorker:

«How does it end? The dictator dies, shrivelled and demented, in his bed; he flees the rebels in a private plane; he is caught hiding in a mountain outpost, a drainage pipe, a spider hole. He is tried. He is not tried. He is dragged, bloody and dazed, through the streets, then executed.

The humbling comes in myriad forms, but what is revealed is always the same: the technologies of paranoia, the stories of slaughter and fear, the vaults, the national economies employed as personal property, the crazy pets, the prostitutes, the golden fixtures. Instinctively, when dictators are toppled, we invade their castles and expose their vanities and luxuries—Imelda’s shoes, the Shah’s jewels. We loot and desecrate, in order to cut them finally, futilely, down to size.»

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